Divine Digits: A Short Guide to Angel Numbers as Sacred Sign Posts on your Spiritual Path
Are there a number or numbers that seem to pop up in your everyday life? Maybe you look at the clock and catch often 10.10. As you drive to work, you keep seeing 222 on the license plates around you. You glance at the microwave, you constantly spot 1:43 as it counts down. You flip open this week’s supermarket flyers and see $3.33, $9.99 and $5.55 all over the pages Coincidence? We think not! When something happens at a high rate of occurrence, we believe it has to be more than chance - but rather a synchronicity. An angel number is a repetitive or predictable sequence or pattern of numbers. They’re often found in repetitions like 777 or 1122, in ascending or descending order like 8765 or 1234 or mathematical sequences as in 639. It could even be a set of numbers that hold significance to you, such as a loved ones birthday or numbers that just hold resonance with you as special. In numerology, the belief in a divine or mystical correlation between numbers and events, these angel numbers are seen as signs from the higher powers you believe in (universe, Spirit, source, God or whatever you believe is bigger than us!)
Showing themselves in the most of ordinary places, it’s their unexpected presence that shifts our attention towards them completely. When they show up, we look at that receipt for our coffee that costs $4.44 or our phone lock screen that reads 11:11 for maybe a little bit longer than usual – sparking the question and introspection: what does this mean?! These sequences can fill us with a momentary sense of wonder because their appearance is extension of their symbolism: It is believed that these numbers are messages from the spiritual universe that offer insight, wisdom, and directionality. Numbers are a powerful energetic language and can hold a deeper if you’re able to look past the surface.
The term “angel numbers” gained popularity in the early 2000’s thanks to metaphysical guide and author, Doreen Virtue, who published dozens of books in the early 2000s on angel numbers; coining the term and exploring the mystical messages hiding in these number sequences from a spiritual perspective. Though, this idea of divine digits is not a new concept. The ancient Greek philosopher and father of Math, Pythagoras believed that our reality is a physical manifestation of the energetic vibration of numbers. Even the person who invented unique quantitative solution that we use today in modern mathematics understood that there is more beyond the surface of what we can read & see, but on a vibrational and energetic level.
Even if on a spiritual level you don’t resonate with angels as guides, you can look at this term as a general personification for the higher powers that you believe guide you beyond the physical plane. This could be ancestors, deities, religious figures or nature spirits that you feel are your loving presence on higher levels of ascension. As Frank Ocean said “We gotta believe in something” and our human journey is much more fulfilling & less daunting when we can trust that the universe has our back.
We asked The Aura House team what their favourite angel numbers are an decoded them using the book “Angel Numbers: How to understand the messages your spirit guides are sending you” by Mystic Mystic Micheala. Take a peek and see if your favourite numeric pattern shows up too!
“911 is my <3”
- Karen, Educator and Guide
911. Lightworker
You guides call upon you to use your spiritual development to inspire others. Seeing this number is a message that you possess the gifts of spirit to remind people that their higher power rests inside them. The time is now to make changes in you life work so as to carry out this divine calling!
“I’ve been constantly seeing 333 lately :)”
-Dana, Energy Exchanger
333. Equilibirium
Nurture the body, mind and spirit. Get some meditation going, embark on a new movement routine and finally start that vision board you’ve been procrastinating on! Your angels want you to look at the areas of your life that are not fully rounded out and self-correct.
“2121 and 777 are two that mean a lot to me”
-Dee, Educator and Guide
2121. Advancement
You are about to level up! The next step is coming, so prepare to receive it. Think of what you need to receive it and think of what you need to release in order to do so. Write it down, and at the next full moon either burn it or bury it & feel the space open up for what is next. (The repetition is a wake up call to pay attention!)
777. Face Fear
Trust the divine. Your angels are asking you to release the fear of the unknown, to trust the universe and give up your control of what is going to happen next. Your angels are telling you not to fear the future but rather embrace it with faith that it is all in your best interest. It is perfect in the design brought to you by your most trusted guardian angels.
“143 is my angel number. We even use it for our wifi code :P. I see it on clocks, timers, and license plates always, in movie references …everywhere!”
- Lisa, The Aura House Founder
143. You Create
The world around you has been created by your past goals and dreams! The manifestations of the past are everywhere. Your angels want you to notice them today. Contemplate how a past goal has materialized and is now past of your daily life.
“11:11, I am seeing this a lately!!!”
-Atul, Educator
1111. The awakening
You are being called to attention. Your angels want to send you signs, but first they need to make sure that you are paying attention. This number asks you to notice the world around you so you don’t miss the important messages coming your way. Ask your angels for confirmation after you see this number; repetition is their way of getting your attention!
“I always see 222…no joke.”
–Mira, Educator
222. Trust Fall
You angels are asking you to trust your place in life right now. You are in the right place at the right time. Take a look around and enjoy the moment. Everything is where it’s supposed to be.
On a individual level, you may find an angel number pop up when you’re thinking a great thought, when you’re unsure of what to do next or just going about your regular business. The key to angel number is taking what resonates and leaving what doesn’t. Always remember that spirituality is subjective – unique to the individual and their path. If you see re-occurring numbers and they call to you, explore their meaning by paying attention to your thoughts and actions at the time. If they don’t show up, that’s okay too! The universe will always find other ways to speak to you if you’re willing to listen.
If you’re interested in spiritual and energetic focused practices, we have a number of offerings here at The Aura House in Brampton that can help you connect to higher powers of guidance.
Our Kundalini Yoga + Meditation class on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 PM with Karen involves chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses. Kundalini Yoga is known as “The Yoga Awareness and the Yoga of Transformation.” It is a dynamic, powerful tool that is designed to give you an experience of your soul and invites you to go deeper into your journey of self-exploration. This class is suitable for all level and is for everyday life & every person - No skill required!
If you are looking for more intimate guidance in a 1 on 1 setting, exploring your Akashic Records with Dee may be the perfect offering for you.
The Akashic Records is an energetic library that holds information pertaining to each soul’s journey throughout time. The Akashic realm is separate and distinct from the angelic and spirit realms, you will not be able to communicate with your angels, guides or loved ones who have passed during a reading. At times they may pop up, but it is generally to deliver a quick message and move on. Akashic Records can help illuminate each person’s path from the Soul’s perspective.Consultations can be particularly helpful when one is going through major life transitions, working through stubborn patterns, feeling stuck or needing guidance in any are of one’s life.