Harnessing the power of the June 2023 Full Moon: Release what is weighing you down, so you can rise up!
“The moon is a loyal companion.
It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.
Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”
― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me
For as long as humanity has existed, the moon has been a point of fascination and awe for many. With its shifting nature, wondrous glow and ability to draw you into looking at it on any given night she is visible – it’s no wonder that most civilizations, revere its presence and power as the focus of how they live their lives. Before the existence of modern day technology, humans understood that the moon’s phases were a signification of how to measure time. The Chinese, Vietnamese, Hindu, Hebrew and Thai to this day still observe the Lunar Calendar. The Indigenous tribes of Turtle Island, the tribes of Mindanao in The Philippines, Wiccans and Pagans alike observe the moons movements to be a time for ceremony and celebration. Many cultures observe the woman’s menstrual cycle as the “moon cycle”, the phases marking when they could expect their cycle each month. Folks moved with these phases to guide them towards the best actions to take for abundance and alignment.
Beyond spiritual and on a scientific level, the moon rules over the high and low tides of the oceans on earth. The moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. With us as humans being composed of anywhere between 60% to 87% water, you can’t deny that the moon’s pull is what has drawn us to move with the moon.
During the new and full moon phases, this pull is at its peek. This makes it an ideal time to align our energy with certain intentions. The upcoming June 2023 Full Moon is known as “The Strawberry Moon” and falls into the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Let’s explore the energy behind this lunar phase and how you can harness it to create shift in your life!
What is the spiritual significance of the full moon?
The full moon is the phase when the sun illuminates the entire moon, making her as full, round, and bright as can be. This phase represents completion, fertility, abundance, and transformation, when the seeds from the new moon come into bloom. Because the moon is directly opposite the sun during this phase, it can also be a time of friction, polarity, and more-intense emotional energy. Hospital ER’s have often said accidents are at an all time high during the full moon.
Everything is in full illumination, which also means it’s a good time to look honestly at the full spectrum of what is or is not working for you. With this higher energy also come more outward connection and celebration. Plus, your psychic abilities may be more awake—so listen closely to what you intuitively want to shed, let go of, and release. Full moon energy can be honored the day before, the day of, and the day after the actual full moon. [1]
What is the power behind the Strawberry Moon?
According to Asha Frost, author of “You are The Medicine”, in the Indigenous traditions of the First Nations - the June full moon is known as Ode’miin giizis. This was the time to welcome all into our hearts regardless of disagreements and challenges. During this time, folks gathered in the spirit of reconciliation in a yearly feast, where they released judging one another to practice the humility of seeing the humanity in all kin. The name “Strawberry” comes from the heart shaped fruit, signifying deep love and the one heart that exists in all of us. The ripeness of a strawberry reminds us the sweetness that comes from pure love. Some themes the Strawberry Moon invites you to explore are:
How does the full moon’s transit in Sagittarius effect us?
The Sagittarius Full Moon Brings Us The Chance To Engage. As the archers of the zodiac, Sagittarians are keen on experiencing everything that life has to offer and have a voracious appetite for knowledge. They seek as much information and experiences than any other sign so they can come back and share these stories with friends (and strangers)! During this Full Moon, it is suggested to engage in stimulating conversations with diverse people from all around the world. Engaging in new experiences may lead to a revealing conversation that will have you reflecting deeper on your legacy and lineage. [2]
You may find yourself drawn to embracing your own culture or learning about others that interest you, allowing yourself to uncover the power you’re holding within. This makes it an excellent time to address ancestral trauma (read more about it & how to heal here) and how you have been storing it in yourself and release it to make space for new healthy growth in your life going forward.
Looking for a June 2023 Full Moon event in Brampton?
Join us on Saturday, June 3 2023 from 2 PM - 4 PM
at The Aura House!
We are so excited to be celebrating the June 2023 Full Moon with Root to Rise: A multi-sensory healing experience. This experience focuses on the release of ancestral trauma from the perspective of folks from Spanish Colonized countries, but is open to all who are open to learning the ways colonization effects us, regardless of ethnicity.
In this healing container, we will focus on reconnecting, remembering and reclaiming the roots of the people that existed long before the Spanish conquistadors came to our respective ancestral homelands. Together, through the use of various wellness & metaphysical practices, we will use these tools to unlearn the subtle narratives embedded within us by colonization on every level - mind, body & spirit. In this safe and sacred space, we will explore:
Restorative Yoga to release repressed ancestral trauma stored in the lower body
Reiki & Crystal Healing to address imbalances in our root & sacral chakra relating to your relationship with your indigenous roots
Sound as Medicine to create deep cellular healing through drums, chanting and other ambient instruments
A guided Past Life regression Hypnotherapy meditation to connect with your ancestors and repair disconnections in your genetic line
Guided by Multidisciplinary healing guides Diana Amaya, whose ancestry is rooted in the lands now known as El Salvador, and Rebecca Manankil, whose ancestry is rooted in the lands now known as The Philippines; they will share their knowledge of holistic healing modalities and lovingly hold space for you in this unique healing experience. You will leave this space empowered by the release of the conditioning stored within you, part of a stronger community and be rooted in your true Indi-GENIUS self and rise as the person your ancestors dreamt of. If you are interested in stepping into a higher version of yourself, purchase your tickets here!