Restorative Yoga Retreat (or Individual workshops) | February 10-12, 2023
We are delighted to have Andrea Peloso back in-studio for a FULL weekend of Restorative Yoga events in February!
The month of love applies to loving Y O U too, and this Restorative Retreat is a whole body-mind experience to renew your relationship to self. It can also be a beautiful bonding opportunity for you and a loved one. People who can rest together are best together ;)
Between the warmth of our studio in Downtown Brampton and the coziness of Restorative Props like bolsters and blankets, this Retreat weekend will get you out of the cold and into a level of relaxation that can truly be life changing.
Andrea will be facilitating 5 different events from February 10th - February 12th. You can pick and choose which sessions to attend by registering for them individually, OR get an INCREDIBLE deal by opting in to the full 'Retreat' experience!
The Full Restorative Retreat Experience includes:
Friday Night Candlelight Restorative
Join Andrea for a luxurious and complete Restorative practice designed to reset your overall balance to one of greater ease and health. Set the tone for a wonderful weekend and a renewed relationship with your ability to rest in ease!
Friday, February 10th from 7-9pm
Happy Low Back + Hips
Learn 5 different principles and techniques for maintaining balance and reducing or eliminating pain in your low back and hips in this fun, informative and relaxing workshop! Students will leave with many new easy practices for self care that can lead to greater ease long term in their low back, pelvis and hips!
Saturday, February 11th from 9-11am
Restorative Yoga to Calm Emotions
Students are invited to join in this informative and relaxing workshop that explores the overall science behind deep relaxation as well as specific body postures and restorative poses that can calm and soothe various emotions. Be prepared to have a deep and uniquely restful practice as well as to learn new information to help you bring balance into your days ahead.
Saturday, February 11th from 1-4pm
Restorative + Active Practices for Upper Back and Neck
Our upper body can sometimes be the most complicated as well as poorly treated part of our body as it receives all of the tension and misalignment from the lower body! This workshop will look at new tips that you have likely not yet tried to relieve tension from this part of your body as well as how to treat this delicate area for the best possible results. Come prepared to learn and have fun!
Sunday, February 12th from 9-11am
($49.99+HST if registering separately)
Cultivating a Restorative Practice for Deeper Sleep
This workshop aims to educate students on the importance of daily relaxation as well as techniques that can be used both day and night to aid deeper sleep. We will also take a look at what tends to disturb sleep and specific Restorative practices that can help with each scenario. Students will leave having rested deeply and with a number of tools and strategies to aid them in finding deeper rest.
Sunday, February 12th from 1-4pm
PLUS we’ll be facilitating a BONUS Closing Tea Ceremony from 4-5pm on Sunday, February 12th
The Full Retreat Experience is valued at $290+HST, but we are wrapping all of these AMAZING sessions in a bow of $250+HST
What's even better though? If you register before December 31st, you'll get the best possible deal of $199+HST for all FIVE sessions plus bonus tea ceremony ✨
The first 5 participants who register for the Full Retreat Experience will also receive a free Silk Half Moon Eye Pillow (valued at $34)
It's really a no-brainer, especially if your brain and body could use the TLC! Come spend the weekend with us in Restorative Bliss ✨